Plot no. 37A, block -L Al Hayl Industrial Area Fujairah dubai Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Item Code: RXSOL-70-7006-025
Product Description:-
RXSOL Valvecare is specifically intended for treatment and reduction of corrosive deposits formed on exhaust valve seats and turbocharger components. RXSOL Valvecare physically modifies fuel ash, raising the sinter and melting points of the ash above the normal engine operating temperatures. Modified ash particles are solid, small and non-adhesive and are ejected with the exhaust gas stream. Valve seating’s remain intact as ash deposits on valve seats are reduced. Guttering is minimized and valve cone and seat lives are extended, allowing for greater time between overhauls. Turbocharger and exhaust system fouling is controlled as the ash particles in the gas stream are less adhesive. Exhaust systems remain cleaner and any ash that is formed is friable and easily removed by conventional methods such as brushing. Another advantage found with RXSOL Valvecare is acid reduction. Vanadium in the fuel has a catalytic action, increasing the conversion from sulphur dioxide to sulphur trioxide during combustion. The sulphur trioxide then reacts with steam in the exhaust system, increasing the dew point to form sulphuric acid. RXSOL Valvecare keeps the complex vanadium and sodium ash compounds in a solid, non-molten state, inhibiting fused salt corrosion.Directions for Use and Dose Rates:-• RXSOL Valve care should be dosed either directly into the service.• Tank or by automatic metering into the suction side of the.• Booster pumps. Typical dose rates vary between 1:1000.• And 1:5000 depending on the nature and severity of the.• Problem. Use the table below for optimum dosage.Features, Benefits and Applications:-1.Raises the melting point of sodium vanadium ash and reduces high temperature corrosion and guttering.2.Keeps exhaust valves and turbochargers cleaner.3.Reduces the amount of ash deposits throughout the exhaust system.4.Extends service life of exhaust valves and extends the service interval for water or granulate washing of turbocharger blades.5.Valvecare has been specially formulated to combat exhaust valve burning and erosion problems associated with sodium and vanadium contamination of poor quality heavy residual fuels.Other Valuable Product :::Diesilite For carbon residue formation during combustion is inhibited by maganese catalysts that lower the ignition temperature of heavy asphalt particles or bunker - C. The combustion time is consequently increased, leading to a reduction of tarry deposits and carbonaceous fire scale also It will prevent slag formation.Part No:
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