Item Code: RXSOL-41-8619
The unique VOLC-8619 formula removes oil, grease, resin and preserves colors and makes the clothes feel nice and soft again. All Industrial players using resin / oil / grease / heavy grime know the feeling of dirtyness and rigidness of clothes. This product is very usefull for cleaning of such cloth.Application:Always wash your clothes at the highest temperature allowed. To remove fresh resin, wash your clothes as usual along with 0,5 litres of VOLC-8619. To remove old or very dirty resin, soak your garments for 24 hours prior to machine washing. Apply 0,5 liters Dip’n Clean per 10 liters of hot water. Afterwards you can wash your clothes as usual. Packing Size: 25.00 Ltr.Part No.: RXSOL-41-8619-025. Other Valuable Products : 1) VOLC white Mullti Clean : Machinery Part CleanerA concentrated oil and grease solvent and emulsifier. Penetrates, dissolves and flushes away dirt , temporary coatings from metal and painted surfaces as well as wax, dirt, oils, greases from machinery, floors and equipment. Emulsion Degreaser will not flash ignite below its boiling point (210 degrees F.) and is self exinguishing.Its POLYMER formulation provides multimetal corrosion protection for 24-48 hours. Part No.: RXSOL-10-1083-025 .2) CTC Volc Cleaner 210 Ltrs : RXSOL-20-2028-210 is a very strong bio degradable neutral cleaner, which can be used to soften up / remove baked on drying oils and used after animal and vegitable oils, fish oils, tall oils, tug oils etc .It is low toxic product with an exceptional solvency power on soil & oily matter. It is free from hydrocarbon solvents, Biodegradable minimizes the extreme hazards to personnel in handling materials. Part No.:RXSOL-20-2028-210.3) Fabrics Laundry Softner Fabsoft 1 LTRS : Fab Soft makes all washables cloth soft and fluffy during laundering . Makes ironing easier and helps to eliminate chafing , static cling . Clothes stay fresh, wear longer and wrinkle less. it can be added at the beginning of the laundry cycle at the same time detergent is dispensed or during the rinse cycle.Main Feature of FAB SOFT Aids in the elimination of static electricity which stops clinging of clothes to body.Formulated with perfume, which leaves a pleasant smell on fabric. Fab Soft can be used for most types of fabrics, but is particularly effective on bulked or textured fabrics such as towels. It also imparts a smooth, silky feel on woven or flat knitted fabric. Part No.: RXSOL-15-3009-001.